Thursday, May 31, 2007

crockett and tubbs

if you knew german, you would know that this is pronounced "miami vice", but it means miami white. it's an advertisement for kitchen supplies with a mediterranean look. the little nuances.
oh, those silly germans...

tis the season

SPARGEL!!! every spring these stands can be seen at least every mile on every road. you wouldn't want to be caught offguard without fresh white asparagus. when i say germans like asparagus, i mean they LOVE it. they celebrate it. they have entire menus dedicated to the stuff. you want soup? we have spargel soup. you want salad, spargel salad. entree - yup. i haven't yet seen a spargel dessert, but i wouldn't put it past them.
p.s. it's delicious! but you have to say it in a loud voice, as all of the signs have at least one, if not three exclamations pointing you in the direction of the stand. my favorite is the spargel cartoon people they use to advertise or the spargel shaped stands.

a little courtesy, please...

so, you know that unspoken rule in the states that all radio dj's adhere to? the one where no one speaks over words in songs? well, apparently that doesn't exist here. they will start a song in the middle of their conversation, which often sounds like the peanuts teacher, and you get all excited, even sing a few of the first lines in anticipation. and then... they are still talking... grr. or on that same note, they will seriously just cut the song off, right in the middle of it. leaving out entire verses... what kind of closure is that? come on, people...

not just for kids anymore

this tasty little delight is 100% normal. average adults can be seen enjoying this in public. no shame. and no, it's not spaghetti, it's ice cream. what we as americans would only eat at our kids' birthday parties, is just another dessert here in germany. after years of making fun of it, i decided to concede and try it. can i just say - yum.

there's something to be said for being 10 again...