Friday, December 30, 2005

my new digs

here it is, my new cozy domicile. pretty average really, for germany. he-he. actually many folks have asked just what the living situation will be when i arrive to Munich (and i really will live in a smaller town 20 minutes outside called Starnberg). although there is no "right" way to do this, i will probably live by myself in an apartment. i could look for a family or a roommate, but the chances of finding one who readily accepts kids running through it at all hours of the day are slim, and since i won't be inside munich, there are even fewer odds. so, i will keep my eyes peeled for a rommie so that my living will be as cheap, yet as accesible to kids as possible.
and here's my sweet ride... as far as transportation goes, i will have a car. although i wanted to be uber-cool euroTaryn and just catch a train or bus everywhere, they want me to have my own tranportation. while we can ride the subway to and from munich, in the village i will be hauling students around and picking them up and the usual youth minister activities. it will be hard to get around within the town without one. we'll see how it goes. naturally, the germans think this is crazy american talk, since they are so environmentally conscientious. and you will be proud to know, taryn will be re-mounting what is known as a bike. hang with me now, these ancient forms of transportation are familiar to those children usually 10 and younger, and a few brave adults living in larger cities. you actually ride these to and from places and it not only saves the environment, but also gives you a nice workout. it will be a nice change of pace. and most likely a safer one, since i am not yet adept at manual transmission in cars... silly american.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

giving to young life: a how-to

CHECK: Make all checks payable to Young Life and put x299 in the memo line. You can send this to me at 23970 131st Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 or the Young Life Service Center P.O. Box 2920 Colorado Springs, CO 80901.

ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT): Giving this way allows your donations to be automatically withdrawn from your bank account. In order to set this up, you can contact me or you can retrieve a form from the website at Click on the “Giving” tab, and click on the “Give a one-time or monthly gift” link. Then there will be a link for the Electronic Funds Transfer Form on the lower right. You will need to indicate X299 in the “Area/destination” blank.

CREDIT CARD: Giving by credit card also allows your gifts to be automatically charged monthly, or for a one-time donation and you may receive money back at the end of the year or frequent flyer miles! In order to set this up, you can contact me, or you can set up your giving online at Click on the “Giving” tab and you will be walked through 3 easy steps. At Step 2, indicate “Other destinations” and put X299 in the text box. You will receive a confirmation of the donation via e-mail and a receipt in the mail.

GOODS and SERVICES will be handled separately so we would need to talk to work out the details for such a donation.

PLANNED GIVING: See and click on “giving” tab to see options. This includes Gifts of Stock, Gifts of Will, Life Income Gifts, Charitable Lead Trusts, etc.

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES: Check to see if your company matches what you give to non-profits. This is an easy way to double your donation!


what i have learned...

i have learned a lot especially in the past few months of fundraising and i wanted to share a few highlights with you.
i learned:
-i am better for the wait.
-some people give more than they spend on themselves
-it's not about me. there are more worthy people out there - spiritually, financially, intellectually
-god uses broken people to bring about His kingdom, we are not spectators, nor are we perfect
-becoming more like god isn't reading more or doing "spiritual" things, but probably a lot more of doing things you don't particularly want to do
-in order to step out in faith, you have to have a "faith" baby-step past, then you can take the bigger jumps
-it's crazy how god has a purpose for everything, i didn't realize he had five or 6 purposes
-he makes all things new and works everything out for His glory

"i'm so gratedful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. he went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. the only credentials i brought to it were invective and ..arrogance. but i was treated mercifully because i didn't know what i was doing...grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. and all because of jesus." 1 timothy 1:14

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

a day in the life

waitress by day, fundraiser extraordinaire by night... many people have asked me what exactly it is that i do when i say that i am "fundraising". good question. at the lunchhour, you can find me working at Houlihan's Restaurant in Fairway, KS so that i can continue to pay for life and all that comes with it. but when the black and hyper-color green uni comes off (ah, sweet humility), it's time to kick germany into full gear. i am fundraising relationally; which means that i call people i know and spread the word far and wide by mouth. i don't cold call people and i have yet to approach any organizations (although that is not unheard of). so far, i just send letters to people in all kinds of crazy circles of life and ask them to join me in this venture. i have loved it. what a beautiful way to cement this calling and really let God and people affirm it over and over again. it is so humbling and very appropriate to ask people to give of their resources and time to God through me. i could not have imagined a better way to prepare me to enter a life of ministry. if you saw me at Houli's with nothing else to do, i would be addressing letters and making calls. sometimes my co-black-and-green-workers even helped out. i have had fundraising desserts where my friends and loved ones invite their aquaintances to a fun evening of me just sharing my story and where i am going next and what the heck God is up to in germany. i have a committee of very amazing and talented people who are my backbone and major supporters, since i am not going with any local church. my commitee has had fundraisers, designed my brochures, printed them, made magnets, helped me figure out my plan and timeline, kept me on track with money, prayed with me, encouraged me and walked intimately alongside me through this whole thing. they are the life of this operation. i am currently filling out church missions boards applications and meeting with pastors and missions committees. i sit down with people or talk with them over the phone, just sharing stories of how God has changed me and used me in this ministry. storytelling, that is fundraising, just as Christ told stories and we the church have been incorporating our story into God's big story for centuries. reminding us all that we are not alone, and that God uses all of us to do His work here on earth; bringing to light that still quiet voice that we can so easily tune out or run over. Sharing Christ's hope and love is so life-giving when all the world wants to do is isolate and destroy us. i am not alone. i have never felt so prayed for and affirmed and surounded by a great cloud of witnesses. this is right!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

how's the fundraising going, you might ask...

well. quite well. right on track. there are three ways to look at it and i don't want to confuse you. so pledged: there is my monthly salary, and my one-time start up fees, and then what is actually in the bank right now.
monthly, i need $3665 and i have $2511 pledged (everyday i get closer). one time start up expenses are $12,934 and i have all of it! praise the lord.
actually in the bank i need $23,929 and i have $11,000.
in order for me to leave, i need to have 100% of my monthly salary pledged and all of the $24,000 in the bank. so... i just need a little more pledged and then about $13,000 in the bank.
very do-able, my friends. i am thinking late january for the departure date, as i have young life training for all new staff january 9-23 in colorado. so, we will see how the holidays are. i am loving fundraising and watching God bring people and resources together for His will. it is crazy humbling. thank you to everyone who has made this possible! i am excited to do this with you and love kids for you and our merciful Father. have a blessed advent.

For the Second Sunday of Advent
C. F. Blumhardt

It is Advent again. We call this time Advent because it reminds us of what comes from God for the creation of his kingdom on earth. There are many today who sigh to heaven, “Savior, come now!” But they are not sighing for the sake of God’s kingdom. They cry out like this only when they are in trouble and want God to help them. And they don’t know of any help that is more effective than to have a Savior come and put a quick end to their troubles.
When it comes to the things of God, however, we must not be concerned for what is ours, but only for what belongs to Christ. We should do this not merely for our own edification; we must become workers for God. This leads us to God’s vineyard, a place where there is not a great deal of talk, but where everyone is intent on deeds.