Thursday, December 22, 2005

what i have learned...

i have learned a lot especially in the past few months of fundraising and i wanted to share a few highlights with you.
i learned:
-i am better for the wait.
-some people give more than they spend on themselves
-it's not about me. there are more worthy people out there - spiritually, financially, intellectually
-god uses broken people to bring about His kingdom, we are not spectators, nor are we perfect
-becoming more like god isn't reading more or doing "spiritual" things, but probably a lot more of doing things you don't particularly want to do
-in order to step out in faith, you have to have a "faith" baby-step past, then you can take the bigger jumps
-it's crazy how god has a purpose for everything, i didn't realize he had five or 6 purposes
-he makes all things new and works everything out for His glory

"i'm so gratedful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. he went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. the only credentials i brought to it were invective and ..arrogance. but i was treated mercifully because i didn't know what i was doing...grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. and all because of jesus." 1 timothy 1:14

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