Thursday, January 12, 2006

new staff training in colorado

i am here at Frontier Ranch Young Life camp. all of us young, green staffers are gettin' real smart. i have the great privelege of learning about the life of christ, the ins and outs of young life, cross cultural issues, the history of young life, and adolescent culture. i have only been here three days, and already i have experienced so much. i would wager a guess that no matter how old and "mature" i get, i will always feel a little insecure, less capable, unstimulating, and just plain dumb sometimes. i am stretching and growing in areas i feel both weak and strong in. that's a good thing. sometimes i wonder, what am i getting myself into and then i think, what else would i rather do? what else is so life-giving as to remind me, kids, and everyone involved that all that matters is god and his great love for us? i am confronted with how wonderful and refreshing the Gospel is and how i pale in comparison. but that's also a beautiful thing to be in complete awe and wonder of the God of the Universe who created all of this and still wants to use me, broken and fragile. thank you to all who are investing in the lives of young people and who bring their resources to God's table, where we all will be filled to overflowing with God's goodness and sweet grace. you are making this journey possible and i pray that through my willingness to be a fool, kids will know of a whole, forgiven, and joyful life both here on earth and in heaven. you have chosen wisely and i am eternally grateful for this opportunity.

1 comment:

caramac said...

This is why I like you, girl. Thanks for reminding me to experience life and jesus and loving kids, like we did in CO... Keep it up! much love! cara:)