Monday, March 27, 2006

call me for free online!

you can call me for free anytime anywhere... ish. you can download skype to your computer and we can talk. totally free! remember though, that i am 7 hours ahead of central time...
go to the "call me" green bubble on the right side of the blog and click on it.


Anonymous said...

when i clicked on it it didn't work but then again I am at work so maybe that's why...

Sorry I missed you last night! I keep running into Houli people who are mad because they haven't heard from you... I tell them your busy and great and I'm sure you will write when you can :)

Anonymous said...

I love this blog Taryn. You have given me a nice picture of your life in Germany. Man that milk sounds pretty good. Nice job on the earth-friendliness too Germans. Soy Greenpeace you know. Hello to all of the other Tarynites as well; you punks should leave comments so that we can begin banterfest 06.