these are some of the other interns from around europe. we get together four times a year to learn more about how to do young life and learn from each other. these are blessed times to walk alongside others who know what it is like to do ministry in another culture with various obstacles and amazing people. they are really pioneering young life in new territories. i am so humbled to be a part of this team of folks. every time i walk away from our training times more in love with jesus and young life. wow! beautiful!

we were able to walk around downtown london on the last night after training. it was all decorated for christmas and so cute. here is the london bridge for your viewing pleasure.
1 comment:
I was in London last year after Christmas--isn't it just the coolest city? Hope you are doing well! Sure miss you at Houlihan's, but I know you are getting more out of life by taking the path you are on. Take care--
Linda (Tim's friend from KUMed)
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