Friday, August 21, 2009


so um, customs in england - not to be taken lightly my friends. it's happened before and i remembered that as i was walking up to the counter, in other words, too late. when entering england you're gonna need some things 1. a name and address of where you're staying and 2. an exit date. without these, you can't enter. period. of which, i had neither. oopsie.

so after haggling with a very smug young customs officer (and i use haggling very loosely. really, i just smiled and answered his questions as politely as i could). which brings me to my next lesson learned: YOU CAN'T OUT-WIT A BRIT. don't even try it. especially if they are annoyed with all things american and you, an american, want to get into their country. i don't know if it's the accent or the patronizing questions, "you could call them now, couldn't you?" or "the blank is there for you to fill out, now isn't it?" or "if you're visiting a country, you should know the rules, shouldn't you?", or what but i don't recommend trying to enter without these crucial items.

btw - i did make it through after he called my friend and ripped her a new one.
england - here i come!


Cristyn said...

you know you can just make that crap up, they just want it filled out so they can find you in case you turn evil

Erin said...

this blog is cracking me up.
I wish I was there in a boat with brits, too.