Friday, August 28, 2009

how to eat your face off in munich:

-doner (similar to a gyro only WAY better) done 28.8
-marzipan chocolate (bought it to eat on the train/plane/automobile)
-brats done
-lots and lots o pastries yup. oh man...

-spaetzle today - the 2nd. perhaps the best EVER.
-dampfnudle today - for sure the best ever.

-hot spiced nuts done 28.8
-turkish basil creme spread done 28.8
-all i can eat sushi
-fresh handmade noodles check.
-this little thai joint around the corner from my old place (closed for remodeling)
-and if it was spargel (refer to an earlier post) season i would be ill from way way way too much white asparagus. that i guarantee.
-schnitzel with johannisbeer and fries today again - delightful.
-gelatto done and done 25.8, 28.8

-rahmspeck(?) miracle of all miracles YES! today. (didn't think that one would happen)

-and lambrusco at the lake - there are some good stories with that one... (they don't sell it there anymore)

-bier uh-huh. nummy.

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