i had to kill a day in frankfurt before flying to london. why? you ask. well, i got a stinkin good deal, that's why. so me in my jetlagged state had to walk around frankfurt for 9 hours alone with bags in hand. not so bad, actually. i was impressed with myself to be honest. i am a big girl now and i like coffee, so i think that helped. i never sat down too long - also helpful. and it was a gorgeous day. i bought a day ticket for the train and upon closer inspection noticed that i couldn't find frankfurt hahn airport on it. hmm, curious. so i got in line at the info desk along with 30 other stinky foreigners to ask how i can get to this airport to fly to london (note that it's a different one than i flew into, which was frankfurt
main airport). oh, she says, frankfurt hahn is an hour and a half away by bus and that's 12 euros. lesson 1: FIND OUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING BEFORE YOU DO IT. oh, so i just wasted 9 euros on a train ticket. excellent. i don't need that one. so i just chalked it up to "that's what happens when traveling". "don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it" my brain is telling me. so what do i do? just walk around. it's seriously unbelieveably remarkable weather and i'm in germany. and guess what? i remember my german!
there was a german mom sitting next to me on the plane over with her cute (and well-behaved) 1 year old girl and she spoke baby german the whole time to her. "auto, ja. da ist ein auto. gut" etc. etc. etc. while it sounds annoying, she was lovely and i believe she was my german language angel. it all came back in a flood. "oh yeah, 'du bist muede', i remember that." and, "moechten sie etwas mehr?" i got it, on and on and on. yay! so german it is (at least for today). i walked out of the train terminal and promptly purchased a nutella and pear crepe. god bless it. i was made for this.
i just meandered through the square and along the main river, sitting once (but not too long) for a capuccino, another time in the grass in the sun (had to get up and keep moving lest i fell asleep), and walked -in germany. there were german people leisurely strolling along the river, german bikers with their short shorts on, german scents filling the air, german, german, german. love it!
then on to frankfurt hahn airport, which i mentioned was an hour and a half away. sweet.
so, in review:
LESSON 2: FRANKFURT HAHN AIRPORT IS NOT IN FRANKFURT. it's like telling someone to fly into kansas city's other airport in manhattan, ks.
money wasted: 9 euros.
food eaten: crepe, capuccino, schinken kaese bagel, apple, croissant with jam.
good day. guten tag.